Sääsymbolit – Pilvi ja ilmanpainekehitys
Pilvi ja ilmanpainekehitys | ||
Symbolit | Koodi | Kuvaus |
0/8 | No clouds | |
1/8 | Sunny | |
2/8 | Bright | |
3/8 | Partially cloudy | |
4/8 | Half-cloudy | |
5/8 | Cloudy | |
6/8 | Heavily clouded | |
7/8 | Almost completely cloudy | |
8/8 | Overcast | |
9/8 | Sky not visible | |
This symbol is also used to indicate the position of the weather station. The other symbols are around this and the wind vane is attached to it. |
Ilmanpaineen kehitys (viimeiset kolme tuntia) | |
Symbolit | Kuvaus |
Rising | |
Rising before a lesser fall | |
Rising, then stable | |
Rising or stable, then falling | |
Falling or stable, then rising | |
Stable | |
Falling | |
Falling then rising | |
Falling them stable |